The Adaptive Dance Program provides accessible dance classes for individuals with all kinds of needs in our local community.
Over the last several years Magnum Opus has been dedicated to serving the Down Syndrome population through GiGi's Playhouse. Adaptive dance classes have been held in-person, online, and through GiGi's National Programing.
Magnum Opus will continue to offer dance classes geared toward individuals with Down Syndrome at the Playhouse during our fifth season! Gigi's Playhouse is a national Down Syndrome Achievement Center with a branch located on the East side of Madison. The program will run January-March 2022 and will culminate in a collaboration with the professional dancers at the Bartell Theater at the beginning of May.
Abigail Henninger, founder and director of Magnum Opus, received her Adaptive Dance certification through Boston Ballet's teacher training program. Magnum Opus is excited to continue bringing accessible dance instruction to the local community.
To learn more about the 2022 program at GiGi’s Playhouse, please contact Kelly Antonson
To request information on our current offerings, or if you are interested in bringing Adaptive Dance classes to your area, please contact us at